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Building a culture of and for inquiry in your classroom (K-12)

A * live webinar with Kimberly Mitchell, Trevor Mackenzie and Kath Murdoch

In several parts of the world, a new school year has begun and with new beginnings come opportunities to strengthen and revitalize aspects of our work. For many teachers and students, this new school year sees a return to the classroom after months of remote learning while others begin online. Regardless of the context, our approach to the early weeks and months sets the tone for the year to come. This is a time for intentional culture building, both within the classroom and across the school. I am so excited to be joined by internationally renowned inquiry educators Trevor Mackenzie and Kimberly Mitchell as we share questions, strategies, approaches and examples of culture-building for inquiry. Between the three of us, we have worked with students at all levels and with teachers from all over the world. We plan to bring you the best of our experiences and ideas to power up inquiry from day 1. Even if you are half way thorugh your year - this will be a valuable moment to reflect.

During this webinar, we will address the following questions 
What does a ‘culture of inquiry’ look, sound and feel like?

• What skills and dispositions are needed for effective inquiry learning and how can we ensure these are prioritised throughout the year? 

• How can we involve students in building the kinds of classroom community that will support inquiry? 

• How can we make the most of the physical and virtual environment to enhance inquiry?

• What strategies help build a strong sense of community and connection in our classrooms and across the school? 

• How can we invite student voice into the plans we are making for a year of inquiry learning?

• How can we nurture an inquiry mindset in ourselves as teachers and learners? 

Kimberly, Trevor and Kath will share experiences and ideas and participants will also have the opportunity to pose questions throughout the session.

3.30- 5 pm AEST (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Tasmania) 

6.30-8 am – London 

7.30 – 9 am Munich

11.00 – 1.00 pm India 

1.30 – 3 pm Hong Kong, China, Singapore

2.30 – 4 pm, Tokyo, Korea

*Note: the webinar will be recorded for registrants unable to attend the live session. The link will be sent after the session and be active for 1 week.